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Herpes Viruses May Cause Rheumatoid Arthritis; The CBCD Examines the Medical Evidence

Herpes viruses have all been linked to the development of rheumatoid arthritis. (1)

Arthritis can lead to joint destruction, deformity, and loss of function.
— Greg Bennett, CBCD

“Infected with a herpes virus? (HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, or EBV?) The CBCD recommends taking Gene-Eden-VIR or Novirin.” Greg Bennett, CBCD

The medical evidence shows that viruses in the herpes family are strongly linked to the development of various forms of arthritis. (1) For example, Medscape notes that the Epstein-Barr virus ... is usually associated with polyarthralgia (aches in the joints, joint pains ) … Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) … may develop into pauciarticular arthritis (a joint condition where only a few joints are involved) … (and) Herpes simplex virus (HSV) or Cytomegalovirus (CMV) … may cause a form of arthritis in those who have had a bone marrow transplant. (1)

In a recent study, Dr. Burgos and colleagues wrote that “DNA from varicella zoster virus was found in … 33% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and in 45% of patients with axial spondyloarthritis but not in patients with osteoarthritis. Also, DNA from herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2 was found both in the blood and in the synovial fluid (fluid found in the cavities of synovial joints ) from 33% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.” (2) Dr. Burgos is from the Rheumatology Department, Hospital General de Mexico in Mexico City, Mexico.

The Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center notes that arthritis “can lead to joint destruction, deformity, and loss of function. Swelling of the small joints, especially in the hands and feet, is the hallmark of the disease, but most joints in the body can become affected. In addition to the joints, other manifestations of the disease can be seen including subcutaneous nodules, eye inflammation, lowering of the white blood count, and lung disease.” (3) The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD) recommends that in light of the medical evidence, individuals infected with a herpes virus take Gene-Eden-VIR or Novirin. The formula of these natural, antiviral supplements was designed to help the immune system target the latent form of herpes viruses.

Click to learn more about herpes symptoms.

The formula of Gene-Eden-VIR and Novirin was tested by Hanan Polansky and Edan Itzkovitz from the CBCD. The studies showed that the Gene-Eden-VIR and Novirin formula is effective against the family of herpes viruses, including HSV-1 and HSV-2. The clinical studies were published in the peer reviewed, medical journal Pharmacology & Pharmacy, the first, in a special edition on Advances in Antiviral Drugs. Study authors wrote that, “individuals infected with (HSV-1 or HSV-2)…reported a safe decrease in their symptoms following treatment with Gene-Eden-VIR.” (4) The study authors also wrote that, “We observed a statistically significant decrease in the severity, duration, and frequency of symptoms.” (4)

Both products can be ordered online on the Gene-Eden-VIR and Novirin websites, here:


Gene-Eden-VIR and Novirin are natural antiviral dietary supplements. Their formula contains five natural ingredients: Selenium, Camellia Sinensis Extract, Quercetin, Cinnamomum Extract, and Licorice Extract. The first ingredient is a trace element, and the other four are plant extracts. Each ingredient and its dose was chosen through a scientific approach. Scientists at polyDNA, the company that invented and patented the formula, scanned thousands of scientific and medical papers published in various medical and scientific journals, and identified the safest and most effective natural ingredients against latent viruses. To date, Gene-Eden-VIR and Novirin are the only natural antiviral products on the market with published clinical studies that support their claims.

Note: Novirin shares the same formula as Gene-Eden-VIR. The difference between the two is that Novirin has higher quality and more expensive ingredients.

Is there any treatment for Arthritis caused by viruses?

“The goal of treatment now aims toward achieving the lowest possible level of arthritis disease activity and remission if possible, minimizing joint damage, and enhancing physical function and quality of life. The optimal treatment ... requires a comprehensive program that combines medical, social, and emotional support for the patient … treatment options include medications, reduction of joint stress, physical and occupational therapy, and surgical intervention.” (3)

What treatments are available for herpes infections?

“Two types of antiviral treatments against HSV are available: topical and oral. The treatments include penciclovir, acyclovir, famciclovir, and valaciclovir. However, their effectiveness is limited. For instance, a meta-analysis of five placebo-controlled and two dose comparison studies evaluated the effect of aciclovir, famciclovir or valaciclovir on symptoms. The meta-analysis showed that oral antiviral therapy decreases the duration and the associated pain of an outbreak by merely one day.” (3) There are also the natural supplements Novirin and Gene-Eden-VIR, which have a formula that was designed to help the immune system target the herpes virus when it is in a latent form.

The CBCD reminds the public that Gene-Eden-VIR and Novirin are not a cure. However, two clinical studies, published in peer reviewed medical journals showed that their formula decreases symptoms in infected individuals. Specifically, the formula of Gene-Eden-VIR and Novirin was shown to safely and effectively reduce herpes symptoms. Additionally, it was designed to help the immune system target the latent virus.

“We recommend that individuals who are infected with a latent herpes virus, take Gene-Eden-VIR or Novirin.” – Greg Bennett, CBCD

All orders of these products are completely confidential, and no information is shared or sold to any third party. Privacy is assured.


(1) - Viral Arthritis - Other Viruses

(2) Burgos R1, Ordoñez G, Vázquez-Mellado J, Pineda B, Sotelo J. "Occasional presence of herpes viruses in synovial fluid and blood from patients with rheumatoid arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis." Clin Rheumatol. 2015 May 17

(3) Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center - Arthritis

(4) Polansky, H. Itzkovitz, E. Gene-Eden-VIR Is Antiviral: Results of a Post Marketing Clinical Study. Published in September 2013.

Greg Bennett
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