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Poll Shows that Abuse Victims Are Coming out in Support of Johnny Depp

Emma Davey of

Award Winning Specialist Counsellor Explains Why

Widespread ignorance of narcissistic abuse effectively abuses victims again.”
— Emma Davey, Award-winning specialist counsellor in narcissistic abuse
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, UNITED KINGDOM, July 1, 2022 / -- When Amber Heard first accused Johnny Depp, of domestic violence, support groups and survivors were supportive. However during the trial (CL-2019-2911 Fairfax County, Virginia, from 11 April to 1 June 2022) the sentiment changed. Specialist counsellor Emma Davey of MyTraumaTherapy, who is herself a survivor of narcissistic abuse, runs a 25k strong Facebook Group (Victims of Narcissistic Abuse Support Group) that helps victims. In a recent poll of members only 4% said they believed that Johnny Depp was the primary abuser. What made them and the experts come to that conclusion?

Emma, who counsels up to 8 victims of narcissistic abuse a day explains; “Widespread ignorance of narcissistic abuse effectively abuses victims again. Non-specialist counsellors, and support organisations who don’t understand the nature of narcissistic abuse, will often believe the highly effective manipulation tactics of abusers. I’ve seen victims, who’ve suffered horrific abuse, then lose their children to their abuser in court.”

It is time that society was better educated on narcissism. The nature of abuse, and even the phrases that abusers use, are remarkably consistent.”

What were the ‘tells’ in the Depp trial that convinced the experts and victims?

1. Narcissists lie continuously. The evidence, that Heard had not donated the money to charity, was very telling. Most people at this point would admit that they had anticipated the truth, and intended to donate. Instead Heard tried to gaslight the jury by claiming that ‘pledged’ and ‘donated’ meant the same thing.

2. A narcissist will never admit when they’re wrong. To them everybody else is the problem. We saw that in court. Depp admitted to his failings, Heard blamed everyone else. One phrase that narcissists use when they’ve behaved particularly badly is; “You made me do that.” It was a phrase that Heard used in the tapes.

3. Narcissists have no empathy, which makes it difficult for them to fake emotion. Heard’s acting coach said she couldn’t cry. On the stand Heard tried hard to look distressed, but no tears came.

4. A narcissist needs to control you and a key part of that is to isolate your from your support network. Depp encouraged Heard to surround herself with friends. When the victim breaks free from the control, the narcissist campaigns to destroy them. Even after the verdict Heard is continuing her campaign against Depp.

5. Victims of narcissists remain frightened of their abuser. Courts will allow victims to be screened from abusers as seeing them can trigger PTSD. Depp avoided eye contact in court, whereas Heard continued to stare at him. She also gave him a very large knife. You don’t give a man you’re terrified of a weapon.

6. A narcissist will destroy your self-worth. A vulnerable person is easier to control. We saw a lot of evidence of Heard trying to undermine Depp, and just one retort from Depp. Heard took unflattering photos to knock away at Depp’s confidence. She claimed to be trying to help him get clean, but the evidence was that she was taking drugs and drinking heavily herself. The tape of Heard mocking Depp’s career and his sister’s testimony, that Heard mocked the idea that Depp had the class and style to represent Dior, are all very typical of a narcissist. Many victims struggled even to listen to the tapes of Heard, as the language was the same as used by their abusers.

7. Narcissists are that way from childhood. An abuser doesn’t suddenly become abusive. Depp’s ex partners have come out in support of him. Heard has a previous arrest for domestic violence and there is a recording of her sister being questioned about being assaulted by her.

8. Narcissists cheat. Narcissists need the ego boost of other lovers and they don’t care about hurting their partner. There is now clear evidence that Heard had multiple lovers while married to Depp.

9. A narcissist will eventually make you snap. Everyone has a breaking point; it is the time when the torture of the abuse gets too much to bear and victims will then respond by what is known as reactive abuse. There are many different forms this can take. Some will self-harm to the point of suicide, some will even murder their abuser. These victims often confess to the crime and are peaceful before and after. In less extreme cases the victim will comfort themselves by imagining the death of the abuser in some graphic detail. We saw that with Depp. Some of his texts would appear disgusting and misogynistic to an outsider, but they are actually a common, and less extreme, response to the daily torture of abuse. Many view this reactive abuse as a form of abuse and, for that reason, just under a third of our members said that they believed that both partners were abusive. However these are probably victims who’ve not yet reached their own breaking point.

Emma concluded: “I’ve been violently assaulted, and I see people, daily, who have been subject to domestic abuse. Minor bruising can be covered with make up. A serious assault, such as that described, can’t be. It’s an insult to survivors to suggest the marks are ‘minor’. Eyes swell up to the point of closing and can’t be made to look normal with ice. The injuries look horrific for several days. You need to go to hospital. The only person to sustain an injury that needed hospital treatment was Depp.

Male victims are less common but I do counsel many who’ve suffered. This case has increased understanding of the nature of abuse and the fact it is not gender specific. The victims I speak to welcome the verdict.”

The poll took place at the end of June 2022 and asked members of the Facebook Group: Who do you think the abuser was out of Amber Heard and Johnny Depp?
• 62% responded Amber Heard
• 31% responded Both
• 4% responded Johnny Depp
• Some felt it was impossible to tell

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