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Wireless Telecom: SinoHub Receives New HT Mobile Order

December 6, 2010 (FinancialWire) (Go to for all of today’s featured news.) — SinoHub, Inc. (SIHI – AMEX), a Chinese electronics company, said that it has received its first "smartphone" order from an existing customer, HT Mobile.

The phone was designed utilizing SinoHub's joint design platform, and is based on the Mediatek 6516 chipset and the Android 2.2 operating system. The initial order for 5,000 2.75G handsets is scheduled for shipment in the first quarter of 2011, with follow on orders anticipated.  

SinoHub said that margins are expected to be greater than the VCM margins generated during the first three quarters of 2010, and SinoHub expects smartphones to represent over 20% of total phone revenue during 2011.

HT Mobile is a mobile phone distribution company in Indonesia.

China-based SinoHub provides virtual contract manufacturing, electronic component purchasing and supply chain management services for participants in the electronic components supply chain in China.


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