Rob Fletcher, author of America's Next Great Trainer. Say NO to the Dad Bod. Take the 60 Day Dad Bod Challenge

Rob Fletcher and Danielle Pashko lead the team to awesome results

Particpants from the NY Post Dad Bod CHALLENGE

Live "positive, healthy, fit, confident and strong"

Small gradual changes to daily habits and behaviors for long term success.

America's Next Great Trainer

"Read the book. Change your mind. Change your body. Change your life"...Dr. Nicholas DiNubile ACE American Council on Exercise Chief Medical Officer

The Dad Bod is back in the news. You know that area of the stomach once called beer belly, is now tagged the Dad Bod. Fact, its unhealthy, visceral fat.

The Dad Bod! The fact is its unhealthy, visceral fat. Which studies show, visceral fat can lead to all sorts of health problems including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.”
— Rob Fletcher Author of America's Next Great Trainer Transforma Your LIfe
COLUMBUS, OHIO, UNITED STATES, June 18, 2019 / -- The infamous Dad Bod, many media sources are saying more women are finding the Dad bod more appealing than ever before. Studies show visceral fat can lead to all sorts of health problems including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. That should be enough information to say no to the Dad Bod. Try the 60 Day Bod Challenge.

Nutritionist Danielle Pashko and I were enlisted by the NY Post to do a Dad Bod Challenge to accepting volunteers. In only a few weeks time we had awesome results - blood pressure improved, inches off the waistline, increase in lean muscle mass, body fat loss. In addition, more energy, less stress, more productive. happier, and healthier.

Take your own 60 Day Bod Challenge with benefits you will see and feel; lose body fat, inches off your waistline, gain lean muscle, increase strength and conditioning. Sculpt, tone, and define your body. Best of all, transform yourself. Feel Great! Look Great! Take control, be accountable. Slow, gradual, positive changes in daily habits and behaviors will set you up for long term success.

General advice and tips to get you started.

1. Consume high-quality proteins – beef, fish, chicken, eggs.

2. Avoid processed foods. Reduce, or cut out whites: pasta, bread, potatoes, rice, cheese, bread, dairy,

3. Avoid candy, soda and fruit juices.

4. Get in the habit of reading labels “nutritional facts” and “ingredients”

5. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Throw in a lemon or lime. Lemon assists in the process of digestion and elimination. The popular formula is 8 glasses of water a day.

6. Consume your meals according to your post-meal activities. Also known as, nutrient timing.

7. Smaller more frequent meals through the course of the day. Keeps the appetite satisfied.

8. Healthy Snacks: natural foods, fruits, nuts, and vegetables.

9 Choose cardio or short interval workout first thing in the morning. Your body will use stored fat for fuel, as there is no muscle glycogen to use.

10. Hit the Gym. Get that workout in.

In regard to exercise, strength, and conditioning always check with your doctor prior to starting any exercise program. Nutrition, exercise and strength building work together for optimal results. Start a daily workout program. If you cannot do it alone, make an investment in yourself. Seek advice and guidance from a professional credible trainer and/or nutritionist to get you started. They will do a true evaluation and assessment. Together you set goals, make a plan and make it happen.

Very valuable things for you to know: Your RHR(Resting Heart Rate), MHR(Maximum Heart Rate) – 220 – your age = MHR. Your THR (Target Heart Rate)
In order to get your THR take your MHR x 0.75 = THR, MHR x 0.85 = THR. An excellent resource

Do your own personal assessment for before and after comparison. On day one and your final day 60 record the following: weight, bodyfat, waist, chest, biceps, quads (mid-thigh):

1. Find your RHR =

2. Step Test: step on and off a box for 1 minute as fast as you can (box approximately 12 inches high) – Heart Rate =

3. Squats: as many as you can in 1 minute – Total Repetitions =

4. Push Ups: as many as you can in 1 minute – Total Repetitions =

5. Burpees: as many as you can in 1 minute =

6. Plank: hold as long as you can. Time =

Take the Dad Bod Challenge. The journey to a healthier, happier you. If you have any questions I am always available by email I will try my best to answer any in a timely manner.

Live positive, healthy, fit, confident and strong.

Robert Fletcher
+1 845-406-5069
email us here
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The Dad Bod Challenge featured in the NY Post and on Good Morning America