The Rev. Jay Lawlor on Investing in Children, Goal 3 of America's Goals for 2030

Goal 3: Investing in Children (source America's Goals for 2030)

The Rev. Jay Lawlor continues his series on America's Goals by looking at Goal 3 and how investing in children is crucial for our society and social justice.

There is no question children had a special place in Jesus’ heart. [...] A quality education is essential to the thriving fullness of a human being.”
— The Rev. Jay Lawlor
INDIANAPOLIS, IN, US, March 12, 2018 / -- he Rev. Jay Lawlor continues his series on America's Goals for 2030. In his third blog post in the series he looks at Goal 3: Investing in Children. Following is the Rev. Lawlor's post.

Every parent wants the best for their children, but too many public schools lack the needed facilities and teachers; too many young kids are denied affordable quality pre-school and the care needed to remove barriers to learning; and college or technical training seems an unreachable goal because of soaring tuition costs and crippling student debts. In other high-income countries, young people have a clearer path to decent work, from early childhood to job preparation. It’s time that America also invests boldly in our children’s future. (Source: America’s Goals)

3. Investing in Children

3.a 100% completion of quality K-12 education
Countries around the world have committed to achieving 100% completion of secondary education, yet America’s high-school completion rate is currently only around 84.1%.

3.b Path to higher education, including technical training, without debt for 100% of students
College debt is now the second-largest category of consumer debt in the United States, greater than auto and credit card debts. In 33 states, over 70% of the students in the graduating class of 2016 reported graduating with debt.

3.c Early childhood education and services for 100% of children
Early childhood education increases success in school, and leads to a lower crime rate and higher incomes later in life. In 28 states, less than half of 3-4 year olds were enrolled in school in 2016. In 38 countries it is already free and universal.

Jesus and Children
But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. (Mark 10:14, also see Matthew 19:14 and Luke 18:16) There is no question children had a special place in Jesus’ heart. How could he not want them cared for with quality education in our day? A quality education is essential to the thriving fullness of a human being. As Christians, as all people of faith and good will, we must care for the children of our society and see they have every opportunity to reach their fullest potential and thrive.

The original article (with further source links) is available at

The Rev. Jay Lawlor
The Rev. Jay Lawlor
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