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Liliana Hernandez, "Jaque al Terror" and forced disappearance of Álvaro Ignacio Ordóñez & Osvaldo Redondo Pineda

Threats against life, forced disappearances, torture, kidnapping, murder, crimes against humanity. . .

In the peace process, no civilian has immunity for crimes against humanity: they will be held to account.
— Napoleon Rocha
BOGOTA, COLOMBIA, May 31, 2016 / -- When Alvaro Ignacio Ordóñez was mayor in San Benito Abad, an interesting phenomenon was happening simultaneously in Colombia. Narcoparapolitics began to undermine the entire state apparatus. Carlos Castaño Gil had already established power. Salvatore Mancuso was the right hand of Castaño and Ivan Roberto Duque Gaviria or "Ernesto Báez de la Serna" of the Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia.
1997: Salvatore Mancuso death threat Dr. Ordóñez in San Benito Abad. He said that Castaño was told from a high level to tell him  to leave the region.  His "political adviser" the corrupt Liliana Hernandez Montes was already in his bedroom but ostensibly remained in Bogota.The region no longer interested her. Her dream of gaining influence in the capital had been fulfilled via the support of Dr. Ordóñez. In the region where Ordóñez runs,  fronts 35 and 37 of FARC were in command. The narcoparas and the guerrilla were rarely in confrontation, they rather increasing control over territory devoted to cocaine operations, all of which drove the entire narcopara-political apparatus, and mades possible the purchase of weapons, the real deal motivating it all... If Dr. Ordóñez was ultimately aware of exactly what he was doing, certain members of his maternal family were as well. False morality is all-too-common in Colombia and pretending is easier than to admitting openly what is going on, to the point where even today the truth is a hard open punch: a permanent slap in the face, which they urge to avoid especially in public dealings.
1997: Presidential candidate Santos clandestinely and separately met with Castaño Gil and Raul Reyes, FARC leader (Front 37 replaced by Martin Caballero and later by Lucio Gómez Brines aka "Mañe"). Santos  already sought a deal between the forces of society and the Farc. He thought that with a cease-fire would come a democratic solution to overcome the crisis of the revelations about President Samper's campaign and its funding by drug trafficking. But Santos failed to establish a National Constituent Assembly that could negotiate a concrete peace, especially since Samper  learned of the conspiracy!
2007: Salvatore Mancuso testifies against Santos in the Justice and Peace process, revealing the DAS wire tapping. The prosecutor then issues a writ of prohibition in favor of Santos. In meetings between narco-paramilitaries and narco-guerrillas were present Santos's friends: journalist Germán Santamaria, his vice presidential candidate Angelino Garzón, former Conservative candidate Alvaro Leyva (now trying to reunite in La Habana sanguine Uribe Velez and Timochenko), emeralds dealer Victor Carranza, activist Morris Ackerman, union leaders, the well as Santos brother Francisco who was introduced to Bloque Capital by paramilitary Salvatore Mancuso Gómez to allow paramilitary to infiltrate Bogotá.
Interestingly when Dr. Ordóñez disappeared no member of Ordóñez's family in the country file criminal complaints, allegedly because the masterminds and actors did not want to do anything suggesting "a danger" that did not exist, because nothing had happened. Instead they gladly help cover up two crimes against humanity with the corrupt Liliana Hernandez whom on 25 March 2001 presents herself to the CTI with her political lover of the moment, just days after she breaks into the apartment of Dr. Ordóñez, stealing evidence from his office and emptying the place as if she knew he would not be back ... ever. 
It was Olga, an aunt by marriage on the maternal side of the family,  who first prevents some of the members, although they have never had good relations with her (!) and she never appreciated Ordóñez.  The elder brother Rafael Ordóñez engineer from Lavalin warns his only sister and brazenly lies about the events. The younger brother  is not forewarned: the incriminating news is announced 20 days later by a woman Edna Piedad Cubillos, friend of the  corrupt lawyer Hernandez! This all casts doubts as to the character of Hernandez,  her manipulations on the family Ordóñez and ultimate intentions.
When Santos becomes the Defence Minister of Alvaro Uribe, former president linked to narcopara-militarism, the Navy issues press releases in syndication detailing the life threats, forced disappearances, torture, the murder of. Dr Ordóñez and his bodyguard Mr. Osvaldo Redondo by Lucio Gómez Brines aka "Mañe", who replaced Martin Caballero, who in turn had replaced Raul Reyes and whom Santos had met in 1997!...
In the book entitled "Jaque al Terror" written by Juan Manuel Santos, the author quoted the ghoulish way the murders took place. Local newspapers subsequently attributed,without proof, the material facts as coming from Roberto Sepúlveda Muñoz, aka "Arturo Katire" and Humberto Sepulveda, aka "Albeiro" or "Chicharrón".
Liliana Hernandez  used corrupt state assets when Dr. Ordóñez was a  mayor, then stole from the carousel of contracts and other matters. The alleged "legitimate" child of Hernandez and Ordóñez never underwent a DNA test and refused to find the whereabouts of his "father," saying that he enjoyed the support of "the children of the people who run the country." Are these accomplices of Hernandez ?! In this story worthy of a novel of crime and punishment there are redemptions: one is that Dr. Ordóñez left a son in Sucre. The DNA test of the eminent professor Emilio Yunis Turbay reveals a positive result, exposing the tissue of lies and manipulations of Consuelo Giraldo, Liliana Hernandez and others.
In the wake of such horror, Dr. Ordóñez's only sister is suing in Criminal and Civil court these "honourable and respectable" characters. As for the Navy they say they "do not know" about the press release published sending Ordóñez' sister  to the file that she had gotten reopened with diplomatic help! In the peace process civilians who committed crimes against humanity are not eligible for immunity/impunity. They will be held to account.
Responses are requested; invitations to dialogue are opened. Peace was expected for over half a century, without a doubt Santos has worked for it for 15 years!
In the fact of Dr. Alvaro Ignacio Ordóñez and Osvaldo Redondo's crimes against humanity, reality takes on a pathetic dimension because the truth could never be erased! The road of forgiveness is not far...

Napoleon Rocha
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