Business Owners Are Overwhelmed - One Expert Aims To End This Overwhelm With A Simple 5-Step System

Your Organized Guide, Inc. shows business owners how to get out of overwhelm with the Five Essential Business Systems (TM) program.

/ Business owners think they can do it all – and they’re wrong. Their stress, overwhelm and anxiety levels tell the real story. One unconventional small business expert aims to end this overwhelm with a simple five-step secret weapon.

You’ve heard the clichés: business owners wear all the hats, juggle all the balls, and are practically married to their businesses (especially in those first crucial three years). Add to this legions of solopreneurs and micropreneurs making a go of the one-man (or woman) show and you’ve got a lot of stressed out people trying to run businesses in a crazy-busy, disorganized, information-overloaded world.

What if, instead of trying to do it all, there was a simple answer that would help business owners focus on the essential moving parts of their businesses – to systematize, automate, and delegate most of what gets done? And what if that simple answer actually helped these stressed-out business owners get out of overwhelm and enjoying their lives again?

In fact, Your Organized Guide’s Chief Efficiency Officer Angie Mattson has gathered all those moving parts and turned them into an easy-to-understand five-part program to get them out of overwhelm.

"Rather than trying to do it all,” says Mattson, “business owners would be wise to focus on the best and highest use of their time (like getting clients), do that incredibly well, and delegate and automate much of the rest of it."

Additionally, when a business owner really understands the flow of information in their business – basically five simple systems – confusion, overwhelm, and frustration are significantly reduced. The result? Many a business owner finds time to invest in their own growth, create new products and services, or even re-start those long forgotten hobbies.

The Five Essential Business Systems ™ break down like this:
1. Getting Clients
2. Doing the Work
3. Getting Paid
4. Running the Business
5. Owner’s Mindset & Toolbox

Each system has individual processes to support the overall goals of keeping a business running and growing. Ironically, the last system is the foundation for everything. A business owner who is organized and focused on the right things has his or her finger on the pulse of the business, but isn’t the bottleneck for all decisions to be made. Automating and thoughtful delegation of tasks ensures this. Mattson adds, “It’s really about managing energy first, then allocating time and resources from there.”

Angie Mattson is an author, speaker, and small business systems, organization, and productivity expert with Your Organized Guide, Inc. Mattson has created the Five Essential Business Systems ™ program to help business owners get out of overwhelm. She’s been interviewed by the New York Times, NPR/WFAE’s Charlotte Talks with Mike Collins, and has been a featured entrepreneur on WTVI/CPCC TV’s Great Ideas program (begin at minute 12). To schedule a delightfully frank and entertaining interview with Angie Mattson on the Five Essential Business Systems ™ and how she gets business owners out of overwhelm, email her at or call (704) 553-8082.

Your Organized Guide, Inc. shows clients how to get out of overwhelm. We specialized in organization, time management, business systems and delegation to a team. Angie Mattson has also recently a book through Amazon's Kindle "How Your Disorganization is Stealing Your Time, Your Attention, and Your Health" which is a quick guide to helping anyone get out of overwhelm.

Media Contact:
Angie Mattson
Your Organized Guide, Inc.

Press Release courtesy of Online PR Media: