Speaker Heastie Wavering on 911 Civil Rights Bill

Jonathan Carey "Champion for the Disabled" Born September 12,1993 Killed by caregivers on February 15,2007

Speaker Carl Heastie gave his word to bring the 911 Civil Rights bill to protect and ensure equal rights for people with disabilities to the floor for a vote

Speaker Heastie has the opportunity to finally end this deadly discrimination and save countless precious lives and that is what I believe he will do.”
— Michael Carey
DELMAR, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, June 20, 2017 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Pressures from Governor Cuomo and his mental health agencies that are providing sub-standard and unsafe care and services are great upon Speaker Heastie. I believe that Speaker Heastie will honor his word to 1,000,000 New Yorkers with disabilities and their families and today bring the 911 Civil Rights bill to the floor of the New York State Assembly for a vote as he promised.

Two years ago Speaker Heastie when asked to bring the 911 Civil Rights Bill to the floor for a vote to finally ensure equal access for people with disabilities living outside of their family home to immediate 911 first responder medical and police services he said you need to get 76 Assembly members signed on. Why, was asked of him then, 911 emergency first responder call systems were put in place decades ago to protect everyone I thought, which includes people with disabilities, and this was being denied New Yorkers with disabilities. Speaker Heastie’s response was you have to get the members signed on. So for the next two years that is exactly what Michael Carey did, working what seemed to be night and day to accomplish something that almost everyone say’s “you got to be kidding me” in a strong response after they are told that there is no law requiring mandated reporters and those caring for people that cannot care for themselves to call 911 if the person with a disability is choking to death, in any type of medical emergency, stopped breathing or a victim of a physical or sexual assault crime. The fact of the matter is that people with disabilities living in New York State are dramatically treated unequally and are being discriminated against. Speaker Heastie has the opportunity to finally end this deadly discrimination and save countless precious lives and that is what I believe he will do.

People with disabilities living care facilities and group homes throughout New York State are in grave danger due to the fact that they in most cases will never receive 911 medical or police first responder assistance or services. Treating people with disabilities unequally is Discrimination in Civil Rights.

Disability Rights New York (DRNY) the current federal watchdog agency has documented that the number one, two and three KNOWN reasons for what are being called "untimely" deaths, but really negligent deaths, all surround medical emergencies and NOT calling 911.

What is going on now throughout New York State is deadly discrimination. The 911 Civil Rights Bill ends this egregious and gross injustice that took young Jonathan Carey’s life and countless others. Speaker Heastie must not waver but stand up and speak up against such injustices. The CRITICAL 911 Civil Rights Bill must be brought to the floor for a vote today - three quarters of ALL New York State legislators in both the NYS Senate and Assembly are signed on as co-sponsors to this history making, lifesaving and discrimination ending 911 Civil Rights Bill.

This 911 Civil Rights Bill is a matter of "Life or Death" for countless innocent children and adults with disabilities. The damages are irreparable. Please review this brand new 30 second YouTube video titled 911 is a Basic Civil Right -https://youtu.be/MjWUyxJe7U8
911 is a Basic Civil RIGHT
In the Concourse of the Empire State Plaza in Albany, New York there is a huge picture of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at a memorial in his honor. He is standing at a podium or pulpit and here are his words directly quoted next to that picture "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

What do you think Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would say about our most vulnerable people with disabilities not being provided their most basic equal right to 911 medical and police assistance and services? What do you think Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would say about the outright denial of providing this "specific group of people" which cannot care for themselves or defend themselves their NYS and 14th Amendment US Constitutional Rights to equal protection of laws that are promised everyone? People with disabilities are equal in God's eyes and are supposed to be in ours as well. Let's together end a pattern of horrific discrimination of bypassing and circumventing the 911 call systems for the disabled that has cost so many precious innocent and extremely vulnerable children and adults their lives.

The 911 Civil Rights Bill is a history making REFORM bill that will immediately begin saving many lives of people with special needs. The Justice Center put in place by Governor Andrew Cuomo is a gross failure and is NOT protecting people with special needs, but the exact opposite. The vast majority of crimes and deaths of people with disabilities occurring in the agencies the governor controls are purposefully kept from all local authorities which include local police, County elected District Attorney’s and even Medical Examiners and Coroners as if people with disabilities are not equal human beings. This discrimination and these injustices in New York State is a threat to justice everywhere. The 911 Civil Rights bill will bring great changes and is true righteousness. I believe my precious son Jonathan suffered and died for this cause and for his friends with disabilities, to help us all bring about justice in New York State and hopefully everywhere throughout our great country of the United States of America.

Michael Carey
email us here

The incredible life and tragic preventable death of Jonathan Carey, who was disabled, had autism, was non-verbal & only 13 when he was killed by his caregivers