Whistle-blower’s Must Speak Out Regarding Cover-Ups of Deaths of the Disabled

Jonathan Carey "Champion for the Disabled" Born September 12,1993 Killed by caregivers on February 15,2007

Whistle-blowers are a special breed of people who are vitally needed because cover-ups of deaths will continue if they remain silent

My call to action is for many whistle-blowers to assist me change this culture of corruption and criminal cover-ups.
— Michael Carey
DELMAR, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, September 13, 2016 /EINPresswire.com/ -- As a full time advocate for people with disabilities and a whistle-blower myself, I am calling for other whistle-blowers to be courageous and speak out to proper federal authorities. The U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Attorney’s have a responsibility to uphold federal laws, the U.S. Constitution and the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA).When it comes to innocent children and adults with disabilities and literally saving their lives we must act and act swiftly. What silences the vast majority of people that have knowledge of such atrocities usually is fear, but you can overcome your fears and help bring about great changes. You can be part of changing some aspects of society that have become very dark and wicked. I will not mince words or lighten in any way that covering up deaths and being part of such horrific acts can in many cases lead to and cause the death of many other innocent people. Anyone that will partake in any way of concealing deaths and keeping them from genuine independent authorities must be stopped and held fully accountable by law. This press release is a call to action and a plea for help for some of our most vulnerable that in many cases cannot speak or defend themselves.
In New York State’s extremely dangerous and deadly mental health care system 11-12 people are dying on average every day http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/06/nyregion/at-state-homes-simple-tasks-and-fatal-results.html. Most people are unaware of this fact and go about their business, yet around most of us, throughout thousands of communities in New York State, unsafe care and services are being provided for our disabled. The natural consequences of such unsafe and grossly negligent care and services are massive numbers of premature deaths. When facilities and group homes are set up almost on every level to be unsafe deaths will occur and other natural consequences such as physical and sexual abuse, neglect, maltreatment and injuries.
It is important to stay focused on the deaths for now and reveal how deaths of people with disabilities are being covered-up regularly. You must understand first that people do not just die in their twenties, thirties, forties and fifties and even older for no reason. If people with most types of disabilities are not extremely sick and are not diagnosed with a terminal illness and are provided adequate medical care they can live just as long as anyone else. So why are so many dying extremely young while living in State and private residential care facilities and group homes and why will you not hear about hardly any of these deaths? There are many answers and I will bring a list of some of them to light now; lack of appropriate nurses, understaffing, calling a nurse hotline in another part of the State instead of calling 911, improper medical care, over medication, under medication, bowel restrictions, sepsis, choking on food, choking on vomit, choking on foreign objects, drowning, starvation, dehydration, restraint deaths, unlawful imprisonment, strangulation etc., etc. Of course to bring the appropriate balance many do die because of sickness or disease as well.
In New York State, which is not dramatically different from most State’s, but larger in population, how can almost all deaths of the disabled disappear? This too I have considerable knowledge of and will bring to light as well. In New York State I can clearly tell you that the system is set up to cover-up. The system is rampant with discrimination and civil rights violations where the disabled have little to no rights and are treated completely different than other New Yorkers that are not disabled. In New York State if a disabled person is a victim of a crime, in medical distress, has been seriously injured or even stopped breathing and died there is no law requiring the staff and mandated reporters to immediately call 911 so that emergency first responder medical and police personnel can immediately respond to assist them. Ever since my precious son Jonathan was killed by his State caregivers in 2007 I have fought for this basic right and privilege to 911 for the disabled, yet every year my efforts to end this horrific and deadly discrimination has been blocked http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/06/nyregion/boys-death-highlights-crisis-in-homes-for-disabled.html - http://www.nytimes.com/video/nyregion/100000000849083/a-failure-to-protect.html. Make no mistake about it, bypassing 911 is discriminatory, it is gross negligence and it directly is costing large numbers of innocent people their lives. The bypassing of 911 and all local independent authorities, including laws and courts treats the disabled as a far lower class of a person and obviously unequally and in many cases causes their premature deaths. New York State has perfected the art of covering up deaths in such a deceitful way that in most cases only those involved actually know what is going on. This is why I am calling for other whistle-blowers to come out and speak out because these evil and without question illegal practices and individuals must be rooted out. Bypassing 911 and keeping everything in house and internal is the key to the cover-ups. So New York State set up a system apart from the 911 call system so everything would be reported to them. New York State then wrongfully called this hotline the Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs to deceive everyone. This entity is not a Justice Center, but primarily a fraudulent whitewash entity where most reported crimes and deaths disappear and are covered up. This bogus Justice Center ensures that most reported and witnessed crimes and deaths never are criminally investigated and they have an agreement to protect the negligent provider agencies and their employees from litigation, obviously justified lawsuits. What kind of Justice Center does such things? A corrupt and deceitfully named one does. Why do not more people speak out? The reason is either fear or a very lucrative salary, so top officials and internal investigators are paid extremely large salaries and promised protection. Reminds me of organized crime, white-collar organized crime, that in this case is costing thousands of innocent children and adults with disabilities their lives. Thankfully, multiple reputable news organizations have done extensive investigative reporting exposing some of what is going on including the fact that Medical Examiners and Coroners in large numbers of deaths are never even notified.
Here are some very damning recent investigative reporting pieces by AP News http://bigstory.ap.org/article/34c9c059196a4b70bc8ded92d2fbe4b7/9-deaths-no-charges-raise-questions-about-oversight-agency
and BuzzFeed News
When most deaths are purposefully kept from the knowledge of local police, County elected District Attorney’s and Medical Examiners and Coroners you can literally almost cover-up anything and that is exactly what is going on in New York State and many other States. My call to action as a father who lost his 13 year old son due to this corrupt and extremely dangerous and deadly system is for other whistle-blowers to come out now and speak out. My call to action is for many whistle-blowers to assist me change this culture of corruption and criminal cover-ups. Whistle-blowers are vitally needed individuals who inform on a person or organization engaged in an illicit activity.
I am blowing the whistle on Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Schneiderman and a State system that continues to allow provider agencies to bypass calling 911 and local authorities and cover-up deaths and other horrific acts occurring behind their closed doors. Both Governor Cuomo and Attorney General Schneiderman with full knowledge purposefully continue to allow provider agencies to investigate the deaths occurring in their own facilities https://www.justicecenter.ny.gov/sites/default/files/documents/JusticeCenterDeathReportingClarification12-17-15.pdf . As you will see from this State document the acting Executive Director of Cuomo’s supposed Justice Center, Jay Kiyonaga has directed the internal investigations of deaths. Here is the exact quote, “State and private providers should continue to review/investigate deaths in their programs, unless informed otherwise by the Justice Center.”
Stand with us for “equal rights” and “civil rights” for people with disabilities in New York State and throughout our great country by signing our petition at www.jonathancareyfoundation.org. No longer can 911 be bypassed, 911 call systems must be immediately called by all mandated reporters regarding all physical and sexual assaults, gross negligence of care, significant and suspicious injuries and when a person with a disability is in medical distress or has stopped breathing. http://jonathancareyfoundation.org/donate/

Michael Carey
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